In Focus 08 Jun, 2020

Standing for Justice




At Pampa we believe in equal rights and are standing in solidarity with the BIPOC community.


It’s one of the reasons we run our business the way we do, aiming to empower others with our platform and uplifting indigenous communities. It’s what gives us passion and drive for what we do in our work every day.


George Floyd’s killing has led to some crucial discussions and reactions about racial injustice around the world. At home, here in Australia, we’re facing up to the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths in custody, the high incarceration rates, juvenile detention rates and the systemic racism and injustice that abounds and very similar circumstances in Argentina, where indigenous communities live with poverty, injustice, racism and need.

After reaction, comes action. And we’ve got plenty of work to do.

We are running a one week campaign where we are donating 100% of sales from the print series “Pampa Desert” and “Pampa Llamas & Donkeys” and from our sister brand Tracing Maps the print series “Outback” and “Kangaroo” split evenly across Haciendo Camino, a non-profit that works to improve the quality of life of children and families in vulnerable situations in northern Argentina and to ALS, an organisation that has been providing legal services to Aboriginal people since 1970. Read more about and

Shop & Donate

until Sunday 13th of June


Let’s come together to read, talk, listen, petition, rally and donate, because we can all do better. Below you’ll find some good resources and links to get you started.


Other ways of taking action:

-Educate Yourself

-Listen Deeply

-Make Space for First Nation’s Voices


-Be Actively Anti-Racist

-Show Up To Protest

-Stay Outraged

-Work To Dismantle Systems Of Oppression


Educate yourself

Black Lives Matters

Campaign Zero

Common Ground Australia

First Nations Resource Directory

Argentinean Institute of Native Communities

Sign petitions


Indigenous initiatives / organisations / movements to fund

Looking towards our home here in Australia:

Bridging the Gap – funding research into health and education to close the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Aussies

North Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency – not-for-profit legal service, providing criminal and civil services to Aboriginal people in NT

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Alliance – an organisation that empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in Australia

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations – the national peak body representing 143 Indigenous health services

SNAICC – the national non-government peak body in Australia representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

The Healing Foundation – a national organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families

Indigenous Literacy Foundation – it gifts thousands of books to remote Indigenous communities and runs programs to inspire communities to tell and publish their own stories

Pay the Rent  – Organised by First Nations and non-First Nations people working together, who together are called the Pay The Rent Grassroots Collective.

Looking towards our working place and second home in Argentina:

Techo  – An organisation present in 19 Latin American countries, which seeks to overcome situations of poverty experienced by millions of people in settlements, through the joint action of its inhabitants and young volunteers.

Monte Adentro – Organisation that works towards integral community and development of rural areas in the Province of Chaco. Focusing on fulfilment so communities can grow in their place of origin.

Funda Paz – A non-profit civil organisation that since 1973 has worked for sustainable rural development, with indigenous communities and families suffering from disadvantage, in the region of the Chaco in Argentina.

Haciendo Camino – A non-Profit that works to improve the quality of life of children and families in vulnerable situations in northern Argentina

Por los chicos –An organisation that improves the quality of life of almost 3,500 children in vulnerable situations in Argentina, with an emphasis on education and child nutrition, in order to expand their opportunities and thus favor their social inclusion.

Panal del Desierto – Non-governmental organisation that seeks to contribute to the original communities in the provinces of Chaco, Formosa and Salta. Their programs improve their quality of life, transmission of knowledge, school support, contributions to health centres and community gardens and installation of pumps for drinking water, in order to transform the reality in which they live and raise their self-esteem.

Pueblos Nativos –  A non-profit NGO that emerged from the internal impulse the people, in order to actively work in a new social construction, based on the logic of true love.

Books to read

Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe

Welcome to Country by Marcia Langton

Talking to my Country by Stan Grant

Finding the heart of the Nation by Thomas Mayor

Jack Charles: Born-again Blakfella by Jack Charles and Namila Benson

Australia Day by Stan Grant

Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Tyson Yunkaporta

America Aborigen by Raul Mandrini

Toda la tierra en una sola alma by Carlos Martinez Sarasola

Breve Historias de los Pueblos Originarios by Carlos Martinez Sarasola

Los hijos de la tierra by Caros Martinez Sarasola

Learn about the Aboriginal history of the land you walk upon

One of the most important things you can do is dig deeper into the land upon which you live, work and love. Speak up!

You can google your region’s history, and take a look at this map of Indigenous Australia.

You can also contact your local Aboriginal Land Council to learn more, but unfortunately some states do this better than others.

*Thanks to Earth Correspondent for much of this info



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