Stay 16 Feb, 2024

Stay | Palo Estate

Step into the captivating world of Palo Estate, a fusion of mid-century allure and the serene backdrop of Yucca Valley’s natural beauty. This desert oasis is a canvas for unique design, inspired by a blend of vintage treasures, breathtaking landscapes, and eco-conscious choices.

Palo Estate embodies the ethos of timeless design, where meticulous consideration is given to every detail, from distinctive fixtures to enchanting outdoor spaces. Sustainability is a guiding principle, seamlessly integrated into interior aesthetics.

As you explore this distinctive space, you’ll notice a natural connection with Pampa products, harmonising colours, textures, and tactile experiences. Palo Estate is a haven that beautifully marries design, nature, and eco-friendliness, promising a stay like no other. We chat to Palo Estate’s owner, Eric Smith about the design of this unique space.






















Your collection of mid-century furniture pieces are impressive. Could you share the journey of sourcing these unique items for Palo Estate?

Thank you so much! When I began furnishing Palo Estate, I was in the middle of a pandemic-related career shift and I began selling vintage furniture. Furnishing Palo Estate was the perfect sister project to the vintage furniture reselling because I was already constantly sourcing furniture. I like to look everywhere I possibly can for furniture, and I’m a sucker for a good deal. Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and flea markets around LA were the main go-to’s for sourcing.

Yucca Valley’s natural beauty is striking. What led you to choose this location as the backdrop for Palo Estate?

The location was the main selling point for me when purchasing this house. Even the drive up through the neighbourhood is breathtaking in my opinion. There are rock sculptures along people’s driveways and up against their homes, it’s so cool. When you actually get to the house, I feel like you can’t help but be blown away by the views. It’s so expansive, and you can see mountains and valleys miles and miles away. It feels like you’re on top of the world.

French Interior designer, Pierre Yovanovitch’s work seems to have left a significant mark on Palo Estate’s design. Can you elaborate on how his style and creativity resonate with the philosophy behind the estate’s design, and how it contributed to your vision?

This was a very intuitive process for me. Sometime leading up to the purchase of Palo Estate I became really obsessed with French design, and particularly Pierre Yovanovitch’s take on it. I admired how he was able to mix pieces from many different eras and styles of design so seamlessly, to where you would never think twice about it. He’s also not afraid of color, and although I went with a more toned-down palette to compliment the desert, you can still feel his impact in some of the colors I used, primarily in the main bedroom. His impact is definitely felt throughout the home and impacts my taste to this day.

The fixtures at Palo Estate, including the lights and vanities are truly remarkable. What creative considerations guided your choices in selecting these distinctive fixtures?

I feel like lighting is one of the most important features in a home, so I put a lot of time and focus into that. I didn’t want the house to have lighting you’d find in most places, and I looked to mostly 20th-century European designs for inspiration. Aside from the few fixtures I found on Facebook Marketplace that were mostly happenstance, I sourced the rest directly from Europe and went with my gut again to decide on pieces I liked. I figured most of the house had a coarse and matte feel to it, so I leaned more into blown glass fixtures, as I felt like that texture contrasted nicely.

Could you provide insights into your vision and execution of the outdoor space and pool area at Palo Estate?

Following the trend of unique yet familiar-feeling design throughout the house, I knew I wanted the pool to compliment the nature around it, while also making a statement. I called what feels like every pool contractor in America to see if they could build the pool I wanted, but it didn’t seem possible. I ended up finding a company based in Italy to apply a plaster-like material to the entire pool and pool deck in a sandy-peachy color. To achieve the round edges, I had a local metalworker create a tool that could shape everything into the bulbous shape that it is. It was all very tedious, but I really love how it turned out.

How did you ensure it became a memorable and inviting environment for guests?

I think with the combination of the neighborhood, proximity to Joshua Tree National Park, the views, and the meticulously designed interiors, it’s a unique experience you won’t find anywhere else. For the right guest, I think it’s exactly what they’re looking for.

Can you paint a picture of the perfect 24 hours spent at Palo Estate? What experiences and moments would make it an unforgettable day for guests?

As amazing as the house is, I think if you’re going to visit, you need to go into the national park. It’s so spectacular and if you’re a morning person, seeing the sunrise there would be the perfect way to start your day. After that, I’d grab lunch at Natural Sisters, a locally-owned vegan cafe, and then head back to Palo Estate to relax for the rest of the day. I’d lounge by the pool, make some food in the kitchen, and eat it on the back patio enjoying the view. I also think it’s really fun to explore the yard. We’re on 5 acres and there’s so much plant life and wildlife throughout. There are boulder formations, and lots of different plant species, and I even hid a little postmodern chair out there in between two Joshua Trees, which is great for photos. I think it should be a requirement that every guest witnesses the sunset by the pool. It’s hands-down my favorite thing about the house. It never disappoints. After that, I’d either cook a nice meal at home or go out to Joshua Tree Saloon and end the night with stargazing by the pool. It even excites me to do my skincare routine in the bathroom before bed. The materials and lighting, especially in the primary bathroom, are an experience.

Sustainability and eco-friendliness are important considerations in modern design. Can you share any specific sustainable choices that were made when designing the interior of Palo Estate?

The interiors were done in a very eco-conscious manner. The majority of the furniture and decor is second-hand and high-quality. I sourced mostly from local flea markets and dealers who pick items from thrift stores in the area— my go-to being Monte Vision, a dealer right here in Yucca Valley. We also used Bauwerk paint on all the walls, which is a really incredible paint company whose entire ethos centers around sustainability. Even our sinks are antiques that are hundreds of years old, and will hopefully last many years to come.

Palo Estate and Pampa products seem to share a connection. Can you elaborate on how Pampa products align with the design and ambience you’ve created at the estate?

The colors and textures of Pampa feel perfectly aligned with Palo Estate. I feel like there’s a calm and tactile experience that’s shared between the two. And although I take a lot of inspiration from French and other European designs, Australian design has influenced my taste as well. I took a trip to Sydney when I first started learning about interior design, and it really set the tone for the direction I’d go in aesthetically. I could definitely see some Pampa products making their way into our future plans for Palo Estate.

Photos:Victoria Aguirre

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1/ Esther Rug #3657 2/ Suncho Rug #3261 3/ Monte Cushion #3|Sand 4/ Andes Mini Rug #1 5/ Pampa Incense Holder|Earth 6/ Maya Cushion|Paprika 7/ Joshua Tree #9 Fine Art Print





























*All images & words are copyright of Pampa, for any kind of use please contact us at for permission.

Photos:Victoria Aguirre

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