Mi Casa 20 Jul, 2024

Mi Casa | Neri Sacristan & Manu Lopez-Velez

Nestled within the landscapes of the Byron Shire, the home of OTTWAY The Label owners Neri and Manu, blends Spanish heritage and Australian coastal living. Originally rooted in Melbourne, their journey led them to find their home in the Northern Rivers and the discovery of Pampa products further enriched their abode, seamlessly integrating with its light-filled spaces, characterised by high ceilings, openness, and the warmth of Spanish tiles. As we delve deeper into the conversation, we explore the profound concept that home transcends mere physicality—it becomes a state of mind, a sacred sanctuary where every breath is a homecoming.











1/ Made-to-Order Zoraida Rug 2/ Maya Throw|Natural 3/ Patcha #1 Hat 4/ Monte #3 Cushion|Sand 5/ Smudge Bowl|Terrace 6/ Maya Cushion|Caramel 7/Elvira Runner


As owners of Ottway The Label, you’ve recently opened a store in Byron Bay. How has the Byron Bay community influenced your brand and its aesthetic?

Before calling home Byron Bay we lived in Melbourne for 8 years where we opened our first store in Collingwood. We used to be told – “Your brand would do so well in Byron Bay”. Despite not following any style in particular, it seems like our lifestyle and journey with OTTWAY was meant to set base here. Since arriving almost 2 years ago now, everything has flowed so well and the community has been growing and growing. We are having such a great time and we can’t see ourselves anywhere else now.

How did you first discover Pampa products, and what made you decide to incorporate them into your home?

We have always been big fans of Pampa: the patterns, fabrics and colour palette are a perfect representation of ourselves and our brand. Once we moved to Byron and found our “dream-house”, it was almost mandatory to include some statement pieces from our favourite homeware brand. Having the showroom close to our office in Byron made it easy too!

How has your Spanish heritage influenced your approach to design in the decor of your own home?

In this house, we feel like we have naturally blended our Spanish background together with our Australian lifestyle developed in the last 10 years here. Main distinctive elements from Australia are the high ceilings, open spaces, timber floors and tropical garden combined with Spanish tiles, light colours, soft fabrics, warm lights and some old wares to bring nostalgia from the past that are native in every Mediterranean house.

What are some of your favourite Pampa pieces, and what drew you to include them in your home?

We have a love affair with your rugs. Especially when having white-washed timber floors, rugs become such a special part of the house as they stand-out the most. We have 2 and are already thinking of the third one.

What do you love most about living on the Northern Rivers?

The people, its nature, the pace. Community plays an important role in our lives, especially when originally not from here we wanted to live somewhere where we could build a relationship with your morning coffee makers, the grocery store manager, the chef at your favourite restaurant, … basically feel an active part of the local community. This sense of community was definitely more difficult to achieve when living in a big city like Melbourne.

How do you envision the future of your brand, OTTWAY The Label, evolving within the vibrant and creative community of Byron Bay?

We want to keep being a real-life brand and not just an online e-commerce. This was the main reason for us to embark on this beautiful journey, to build a community of like-minded people, to share experiences, to meet creators, make new friendships and have a good time. Byron Bay, being our home, would become now more than ever the epicentre of OTTWAY. We have also recently opened a store in Bondi, Sydney and we are in the journey of spreading the OTTWAY vibes and building another beautiful community over there, it has been so much fun so far!

Do you have a favourite nook or space where you find yourselves spending most of your time? What makes it special to you?

When at home, the verandah with the river and mountain views is definitely the place to be. Either working or having a coffee, you can’t find a better spot. When outside, the Brunswick River is our special place. We can’t believe how lucky we are to enjoy this natural wonder every single day. It feels like we are on holiday.

Owning a home often provides a different sense of connection to a space compared to renting. How has the experience of homeownership differed from your previous experiences renting?

We are the kind of people, that even if we are staying only one month at a place we invest time and effort in making the place “ours”, so the fact that we have been renting the last years did not stop us from getting creative and feeling at home. Having said that, there is something very special about owning your own home and dreaming about new little projects here and there. We recently had our family from Spain staying over for Christmas and it was a dream come true to be able to share it with them.

Are there any particular projects or additions to your home that you’re excited about or have completed since moving in?

We are now about to finish our outdoor bathroom that has always been a life goal for us. We used to say,  – “We won’t be living in paradise, until we shower everyday outdoors.” It is a very simple act to shower outdoors, but it somehow helps you feel more alive and connected with nature.

In terms of interior design, do you both have similar tastes or have there been interesting compromises or collaborations in creating a shared aesthetic for your home?

We are like soulmates and this makes things so easy! There is not much “negotiation” when choosing new additions to the house as we are always aligned. This has a risky side as well… as we both like the same it is difficult to say no when seeing something that we like haha

Finally, what does home mean to you?

For us home is a state-of-mind. You could be at your own beautiful house but missing someone or wishing to be somewhere else does not make you feel at home. With our duality Spain-Australia and our frequent overseas travelling, we have learnt to live the present moment and enjoy to the fullest where we are at that particular moment, this makes us feel at home until the next stop.

Photos: Andi Plowman
















































































































































































































































































































































































*All images & words are copyright of Pampa, for any kind of use please contact us at hello@pampa.com.au for permission.

Photos:Victoria Aguirre


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